hello people!!
i'm BACK,
at last..
after soooooooooo.. many millions and billions and zillions of YEARS of being prompted.
finally found the fucking time to update my blog, hahahahha.
no time sia, seriously.
ever since school started, life's been more hectic than ever!!
but as far as it goes, I'm lovin' it(:
i LOVE my friends
i LOVE my surroundings
i LOVE canteen 1
i LOVE the library
i LOVE my school :D
well, ALOT of things happened since the last time i posted.
believe me.. the size of the font speaks for itself, hahha
the most recent big event was the gig @ NP atrium last thursday
THIS TRAGIC AFFAIR!! is my new fanatic(:
the band just rocks!
they are suuuuuuuuper cool people
talented, funny, cool, composed and spastic sometimes, hhahahaha
i still rmbr tt time at BK after jamming
damn funny sia; can go to Syafiq's blog to read abt tt day :P
too bad Yasser and Hafiz wasnt dere though :\
anw, i'll let the pictures tell you more about the gig on thurs(:
tt was before their turn, haha.
damn Syafiq deleted one super funny photo of him from my cam -.-
i'll intro on the way (:
SYAFIQ - Rhythm Guitarist!
HAIQEL - Bassist!
YASSER - Lead Guitarist!
AMOS - Lead Vocalist, HAFIZ - Back-up Vocalist!
DANIAL - Drummer!!
i'll upload the videos another time(:
tts This Tragic Affair for you.
they covered *Almost Easy, Chapter Four, Smile In Your Sleep
and My Heroine was their finale, ended off with a crash though :\
but Yasser did some nice Guitar Swings (:
and i think Danial is SUPER talented; he plays the drums,
guitar, piano and he can sing!! all very well!
seriously, i'm his fan!
tts all for now,
i hope i'll find the time to update again
Common Test week is coming -.-
Use ME
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